The Five Most Important Things to Consider When Buying a Diamond

Diamonds are a significant investment but one most of us make when we buy or make an engagement ring. When you start looking at diamonds, it’s essential to make an informed decision when purchasing one. Here are the five most important things to consider when buying a diamond.

Buying a Diamond: Cut, Carat Weight, Clarity and Colour

A zoomed look at a diamond to better see the clarity of the stone.


1. Cut: The Most Important Factor

The cut of a diamond is the most crucial factor to consider when shopping for a diamond. The cut affects the diamond’s sparkle and overall beauty, a well-cut diamond will have more brilliance and fire. A poorly cut diamond will appear dull and lifeless regardless of its other characteristics.

2. Carat Weight: Balancing Size and Quality

The cut of a diamond is the most crucial factor to consider when shopping for a diamond. The cut affects the diamond’s sparkle and overall beauty, a well-cut diamond will have more brilliance and fire. A poorly cut diamond will appear dull and lifeless regardless of its other characteristics.

White gold diamond engagement ring featuring 3ct centre diamond and  diamond halo

A remodelled diamond engagement ring featuring a 3ct diamond.


3. Colour: A Range of Tones

The cut of a diamond is the most crucial factor to consider when shopping for a diamond. The cut affects the diamond’s sparkle and overall beauty, a well-cut diamond will have more brilliance and fire. A poorly cut diamond will appear dull and lifeless regardless of its other characteristics.

4. Clarity: The Presence of Flaws

Clarity refers to the presence of flaws or inclusions in a diamond. Flaws can impact the diamond’s beauty and value, it’s necessary to consider the clarity grade when buying a diamond. A diamond with a better clarity will have fewer inclusions and appear more beautiful albeit at a higher price.

5. Certification: Ensuring Quality and Value

When buying a diamond, it’s essential to ensure that it’s of high and value. A diamond certification from a reputable organisation, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), provides assurance that the diamond is genuine and accurately graded. It is important to only purchase diamonds that come with a certification from a reputable organisation. At Sara Handmade Jewellery, all our larger diamonds come with GIA certification. Our bespoke engagement rings also come with an independent valuation giving our clients absolute piece of mind about their new piece.

Whether its an engagement ring or any type of jewellery creation, buying a diamond is a significant investment, its crucial to consider the five most important factors: cut, carat weight, colour, clarity and certification. By balancing these factors, you can ensure that you’re getting a high-quality diamond that has both beauty and long-term value.

GIA certification ensure a quality diamond

A 1ct cushion cut diamond with GIA certification. Certification ensures you buy a quality diamond.


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